Hi Chris,

I have no 'FTP_PASSIVE' key in %ENV. Should I have
   $ENV{'FTP_PASSIVE'} = 1?
Apparently this can be accomplished by inserting the two lines
   export FTP_PASSIVE
in my '.bash_profile' file.

A second question. When I run
   for (sort keys %ENV) {
      printf "%25s => %s\n", $_, $ENV{$_};
from BBEdit, I see a small subset of the %ENV that comes from running
the script in Terminal. How can I make BBEdit's %ENV more like the
system %ENV?



>On Fri, 30 Dec 2005, Joel Rees wrote:
>> >    [CP_ERROR] [Mon Dec 26 14:07:55 2005] Fetching of
>> >       'ftp://ftp.cpan.org/pub/CPAN/authors/id/G/GA/GAAS/CHECKSUMS'
>> >       failed: Command failed:
>> [...]
>> > This hand installation usually works, but it would be very 
>convenient if
>> > I could make CPANPLUS ar CPAN work. Any suggestions?
>> Choose a less busy mirror?
>And/or check that passive-mode FTP is enabled? (Hint: $ENV{FTP_PASSIVE} 
>is the one you need, if I remember right...) 

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