At 17:03 +0100 8/24/06, David Cantrell wrote:
>Run the CPAN shell as root as all will be well.


Although I have root privileges on all machines around here there are still two 
of use who install things and I much prefer NOT to step on the War Department's 
toes. She's the one who keeps my Linux OS's up to date and I rarely know 
whether it's Fedora or Ubuntu because I log in from OS neXt..

My solution is to use the --prefix option in ./configure to point to

--prefix $HOME/local

In $HOME/local/ there are the usual directories one of which is 
$HOME/local/bin/ or in some cases $HOME/perl/.  I see to it that the PERL5LIB 
environment variable gets set to one or the other of those. My $PATH is set to 
look at the $HOME/local/bin/ directory first.

The result is that I can compile and install without being root. My stuff does 
not get any chance to screw up something like a system update from Apple or 
some Linux distribution. I happily accept the responsibility for fixing things 
up if such an update requires changes to my stuff. My own perl modules end up 
in $HOME/local so there can be no accidental naming confusion.

The problem is - - - How do I tell cpan to do things that way? - especially 
when there is a batch of dependencies to worry about.

--> The message came to Abraham that he would beget a son. Sarah, who was 
behind the door, laughed. <--

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