On Apr 2, 2008, at 11:54 PM, Emmanuel Hainry wrote:

I certainly won't be a user of That macports.

That would be your choice.

What you are talking about is dependencies on version, not on inactive

There is no effective distinction. We are both talking about the same thing.

The way to go in my mind is more to inform of an API change so that
dependents are rebuilt by default if needed.

That is a very pretty world you describe, one where API changes just require a rebuild or two, never breaking anything really important or in lots of places at the same time. I would like to live in that world too - it sounds much nicer than this one. :-)

The thing is we developpers (or people thinking like developpers) are
also users and we want things to work as expected and in a logical and
predictible way

One developer's "logical and predictable" is another developer's "gah, that totally SUCKS!". That is why we design for users and not developers. Get used to it.

- Jordan

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