On 2014-4-8 22:37 , Clemens Lang wrote:
> Hi,
>> Unfortunately there's no easy way to say "fetch the archives for the
>> ports that have them, and the distfiles for those that don't."
> You can use
>  $> sudo port -bp archivefetch $portlist
> to get all the binary archives available and ignore those that aren't.
> This is one of the few places where `-p` is not harmful. Adding `-b`
> might help in this case because it doesn't give up after three servers
> that don't have the binary archive.

The giving up isn't usually a problem because it only does that if the
archive is not available on packages.macports.org.

And actually, I forgot before that archivefetch does adjust the
statefile if it fetches an archive. So this should do the trick to fetch
everything you need to do an upgrade offline:

sudo port archivefetch outdated && sudo port fetch outdated

(the fetch will be a noop for ports that have an archive available).

- Josh
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