On 2014-4-8 22:58 , Clemens Lang wrote:
> Hey,
>> The giving up isn't usually a problem because it only does that if the
>> archive is not available on packages.macports.org.
> That might be the case for you, since you're close to packages.macports.org,
> but it isn't necessarily true for people in Europe like me.

Being close has nothing to do with it. If the archive is on p.m.o then
it will never give up until it downloads it (or exhausts the entire list
if p.m.o becomes unreachable after it starts).

>> sudo port archivefetch outdated && sudo port fetch outdated
> That will fail on the first port without an archive, wouldn't it? You'd
> still need `-p` here.

It doesn't fail if you're not in binary-only mode.

- Josh
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