On Jan 17, 2015, at 4:09 AM, René J.V. Bertin <rjvber...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There's a difference between ports for which Qt represents an optional 
> dependency, and ports that cannot live without it. Let's face it, a Qt app 
> isn't so very different from a Python or Perl app: it simply extends what the 
> base technology already has to offer (and yes I'm aware that Qt is a library 
> and not a runtime environment). 
> And again, ports building on Python and Perl are pyXY-foo or px.yz-foo .

This is incorrect. `py-foo` and `p5-foo` are only used for Python and Perl 
modules that can be imported and used by other programs. Applications that are 
merely written in Python and Perl (e.g., `trac`, `ack`) should NOT have a 

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