> On Oct 29, 2015, at 11:09 AM, Rainer Müller <rai...@macports.org> wrote:
> What was the reason for moving Qt4 into its own prefix? I guess this is
> about allowing Qt4 and Qt5 to be installed at the same time?
> I only noticed this now, but it seems this change will cause problems:
> * binaries in ${prefix}/libexec/qt4/bin are inaccessible and not in PATH
> * pkg-config files in ${prefix}/libexec/qt4/lib/pkgconfig/ will not be
>  found by default (needs additional PKG_CONFIG_PATH)
> * cmake modules in ${prefix}/libexec/qt4/share/cmake/ will not be found
>  by default (needs additional CMAKE_MODULE_PATH)
> The same seems to apply to qt5-mac as well. Also, the choice of
> ${prefix}/libexec/qt4/ vs. ${prefix}/libexec/qt5-mac/ looks inconsistent.
> Please do not simply drop everything related to Qt into its own prefix.
> At least keep the files mentioned above in the default locations where
> they can be found and used by other build systems.

Something I wondered about was the choice of ${prefix}/libexec/blah .  The 
other example of co-installable versions/forks that I’m familiar with is mysql. 
 Those ports install the binaries into ${prefix}/lib/blah (e.g.. 
/opt/local/lib/mariadb/bin/ ).  I have no idea if one approach is “right”—just 
that the mysql structure has been around longer and could be considered a 

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