Michael Dickens wrote:

> qmake PortGroups, just needed a rev-bump. Some ports such as phonon
> install files that =assume= the same install prefix as Qt, and so when
> they are installed elsewhere everything breaks down for ports that
> depend on them (e.g., using qmake to find phonon fails unless some
> library located in ${prefix}/lib is included before phonon; cmake and

I haven't had any issues with phonon; what ports (using qmake?) break when 
phonon isn't installed in Qt's prefix?

The question is also what the Qt prefix is, if everything is NOT installed in 
all-encompassing prefix. Qt5 is more flexible in this aspect; with my install 
layout it considers the prefix to be ${prefix}, despite the fact that the bin 
and lib dirs are in ${prefix}/libexec/qt5 .

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