Michael Dickens wrote:

> qtscriptgenerator is having issues with locating phonon now that it's
> not co-located with the qt4 install. Like QCA, it might make sense to
> just co-locate phonon into the new qt4 install prefix.

The difference here is that QCA provides hooks to install that way, or at least 
to indicate it where the various Qt components are installed. Phonon doesn't 
AFAIK (and port:phonon certainly doesn't seem to add them).

I have been taking a look at qtscriptgenerator. It doesn't build indeed:

:info:build make[2]: *** No rule to make target 
`../../generated_cpp/com_trolltech_qt_gui/plugin.cpp', needed by `plugin.o'.  

but that failure is not related to phonon. I do see an issue finding phonon, 
that appears to be more related to the fact that qtscriptgenerator looks for a 
phonon *framework* (as opposed to a .dylib).
BTW: I'll be trying the workaround described here: 
but I guess I should also check out why the build system looks for headers in 
${prefix}/libexec/qt4/include which doesn't exist in my layout.

Every other dependency of phonon I installed that uses qmake finds phonon just 
fine with libphonon in ${prefix}/lib and the Qt4 frameworks in 
${prefix}/libexec/qt4/Library/Frameworks and .dylib symlinks pointing to those 
framework binaries in ${prefix}/libexec/qt4/lib . And as far as I can tell, 
is *not* because I also have libqt symlinks in ${prefix}/lib (my qt4-mac-
transitional subport).

Coming back to qtscriptgenerator: I'm looking at how Ubuntu gets it to build, 
but the real question we have to ask for this port is whether it is worth the 
effort trying to resurrect abandonware. The only dependent I could find is 
amarok, and the application is built *without* qtscriptgenerator on Linux.


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