On 04/11/16 05:39, David Bariod wrote:

Personnally, I would just commit such change. It is cheap, can be
reworked later and be ketp safe in a private remote repository in case
of disaster.
With git there are no reason to not commit event not ready yet change set.

I would not do this, as you then might end up with a lot of intermediary commits in the history. better I think to work on independent projects on independent branches.


Best regards,

On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 2:56 AM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org
<mailto:ryandes...@macports.org>> wrote:

    With Subversion, I was accustomed to keeping changes in my working
    copy that I was not ready to commit yet.

    Git doesn't let me do that. It complains and tells me to git stash
    and later git stash pop.

    Well, I tried that. I git stashed, then made changes to curl and
    committed them, and later when I tried to git stash pop, my other
    changes that I had in my git clone were not restored. I have no idea
    where they are now.

    I can get these particular changes back from my old Subversion
    working copy, but I don't understand how I'm meant to work with git
    when I have changes that I'm not ready to commit yet, yet there are
    other changes I need to make and commit elsewhere within that same

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