> On Jun 23, 2020, at 12:48 AM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
> My ports are slightly out of date but I don't see a choking amount of 
> dependencies for curl on High Sierra:
> $ port rdeps curl
> The following ports are dependencies of curl @7.70.0_0+ssl:
>  xz
>    lbzip2
>    libiconv
>      gperf
>    gettext
>      ncurses
>  pkgconfig
>  libidn2
>    autoconf
>    automake
>    libtool
>      xattr
>        unzip
>    libunistring
>      perl5
>        perl5.28
>          db48
>          gdbm
>            readline
>      texinfo
>        help2man
>          p5.28-locale-gettext
>        perl5.30
>  libpsl
>    python38
>      bzip2
>      expat
>      libedit
>      libffi
>      openssl
>        zlib
>      sqlite3
>      python_select
>      python3_select
>    glib2
>      libxml2
>        icu
>      pcre
>  curl-ca-bundle
> If you are on an older system you may have additional dependencies in the 
> chain, likely compilers, but that's not curl's fault; it doesn't impose any 
> compiler restrictions. Its dependencies might.

some trimming of the curl portfile, removing the deps on libidn and libpsl 
(which macports-base does not appear to need in curl to run), and thanks for to 
you for removing perl from curl-ca-bundle recently, and I now have a very lean 
built-from-os-roots curl sufficient to support macports-base and many other 
purposes down to this most set of ports, even on older systems:

$ sudo port -v install curl
--->  Computing dependencies for curl......
The following dependencies will be installed: 

pkgconfig calls in gperf and libiconv, otherwise it’s just openssl and 
curl/curl-ca-bundle. I suppose I could even do without pkgconfig as well, and 
just pass in the paths, but that’s lean enough for now. No perls, no pythons.

I’ll call it skip-the-dishes-curl or something ...


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