> On Jun 22, 2020, at 8:32 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
> I can't corroborate that claim, but of course we are interested in reducing 
> bloat in MacPorts and welcome any suggestions or improvements toward that end.

I’m surprised — that has always been near point #1 on every homebrew vs. 
macports discussion, and (was for years) put forth as the major justification 
for homebrew over macports. Eg just one top-of-the-list hit from google: 

PRO Homebrew tries very hard to use existing tools and libraries
Homebrew’s recipes try very hard to use the existing tools and libraries in 
OS/X, so they tend to build much faster and require fewer dependent libraries.

PRO Builds quickly and requires few dependencies
Homebrew as much as possible uses already existing libraries and tools to 
install software thus making builds quick and requiring few dependencies.

> multiple versions of perl or python3 get pulled in during a build, we should 
> fix that if we can by standardizing on a particular version

Yes, that indeed is my point. 

curl, for example, now has a choking amount of dependencies, including 2 perl 
versions and a python (or two), and yet actually builds on current macOS 
systems without even a single added dependency just by downloading the source 
and building it.

Feel free to set the bar, if you care to. And hopefully, don’t move it too 


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