On Jun 23, 2020, at 00:48, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:

>> Feel free to set the bar, if you care to. And hopefully, don’t move it too 
>> often…IMHO.
> I'm not sure what you mean.

Exactly what I stated with...

If MP would pick one perl and one python that everyone is meant to use, declare 
it, and don't change it too often, that would be a Good Thing.

If that is actually what is being done in this thread (I think it is, but I 
can't tell for sure), to perl5.28 and python38, let's make that clear.

I'll go sort out what added perl5.30 to curl's build deps and revert it. 

And everyone might stop randomly changing ports to use perl 5.30 or defaulting 
to some other python until some year in the moderately distant future.

Less work, less bloat, more happiness -- it's just a win all around.

And if that is impossible, unacceptable, or undesirable, then so be it. At 
least we tried...


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