On May 21, 2022, at 12:40, Steven Smith wrote:

> Is there a way to achieve the second objective: prevent MacPorts from 
> building and caching its own copy of the port contents, which for this port 
> will inevitably be filled with expired certificates?
> Right now, avoiding this issue requires installing the port from “source” 
> with `port -s install`.

Again I don't understand the question.

If you don't want the port to install anything, write the destroot phase to do 
that. Except that a port must install at least one file. But this doesn't sound 
like what you're asking.

Why will what the port installs inevitably be filled with expired certificates? 
What would be the cause of that happening?

If the port's contents should be changed (in the binaries produced by the 
buildbot and on user systems) then change the port to install the new contents 
and increase its revision.

Perhaps there is something unique about this software that I don't understand. 
(I have no idea what this software is.)

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