On 7/16/12 00:31, Kok-Yong Tan wrote:
On 7/16/12 00:11, Kok-Yong Tan wrote:
On 7/15/12 23:27, Brandon Allbery wrote:
On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 10:39 PM, Kok-Yong Tan <k...@realityartisans.com <mailto:k...@realityartisans.com>> wrote:

    Can anyone tell me what this error means when I try to start
    wireshark in an xterm window via the X11 system:

    bash-3.2$ sudo wireshark

    (wireshark:11767): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0

It means something messed with $DISPLAY, which you should not set on OS X; launchd sets it correctly and overriding it can cause problems like this. You're probably setting it in .bash_profile (or .profile, or being really wrong and setting it in .bashrc). Don't.

brandon s allbery allber...@gmail.com <mailto:allber...@gmail.com>
wandering unix systems administrator (available) (412) 475-9364 vm/sms

Thanks for the info. I went into .bashrc and found an explicit setting for the DISPLAY environment variable which I ripped out. Then I restarted X11 and did "sudo wireshark" whereupon X11 crashed and took wireshark with it. I then tried doing the same thing under a Terminal window and the same thing happened, except I got an extra line of error (the last line) and Terminal didn't upchuck:

Last login: Sun Jul 15 23:47:43 on console
zeus:~ kytan$ echo $DISPLAY
zeus:~ kytan$ sudo wireshark
Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display "/tmp/launch-vuNxLR/:0".

(wireshark:344): Gdk-WARNING **: shmget failed: error 12 (Cannot allocate memory) wireshark: Fatal IO error 35 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server /tmp/launch-vuNxLR/:0.
zeus:~ kytan$

While wireshark was attempting to come up, it displayed a grey but blank window before X11 died and kicked wireshark's legs out from under it... Any ideas that don't involve having to reinstall the X11 server executables?

It appears that when I changed the default compiler, the "sudo port -v install wireshark configure.compiler=gcc-4.2" command might not have recompiled the ports that wireshark depends on and also compiled a different variant than what I wanted, thus contributing to this problem. So, I've uninstalled the unwanted variants, leaving the one I want and try the following command in the meantime and let it do its "thing" overnight and will report back on what happens if the build succeeds and when I try to run the results:

sudo port -v upgrade wireshark configure.compiler=gcc-4.2

Hmmm...that seems to be only recompiling wireshark itself. Is there a command in MacPorts that will do a clean for *EVERYTHING* that wireshark depends on without wiping out tarballs? i.e., take the list generated by "port -v rdeps wireshark" and run "port clean <portname>" on every individual portname? Then I can recompile the whole tree from scratch.

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