Hi all,

I have recently changed to Quartz, a process started with the command suggested 

After some kinks, it all works fine now. However, I now want to install a port 
that depends on x11 (PyMol). If I try this, the install crashes with the 

--->  Rebuilding in order
     gtksourceview2 @2.10.5 
     py27-pygtksourceview @2.10.1 
     gwenhywfar4-gtk @4.14.0 
     webkit-gtk @2.4.9 +video
Error: org.macports.archivefetch for port gtksourceview2 returned: gtk2 must be 
installed with +x11.

The version i have now is:

$ port installed gtk2
The following ports are currently installed:
  gtk2 @2.24.28_1+quartz (active) 

If I try to install gtk2 to be compatible with both quartz and x11, I get:

$ sudo port install gtk2 +quartz +x11
Error: gtk2: Variant quartz conflicts with x11
Error: Unable to open port: Error evaluating variants

So, to install PyMol, will i need to uninstall everything that now is working 
with quartz to reinstall it with x11? Os is there a way to have them working 

Gustavo Seabra

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