There would be nothing to switch because both would be installed. Just use the 
full path to whatever program you want to run. 

> On Dec 3, 2015, at 11:24, Gustavo Seabra <> wrote:
> Funny - I actually never noticed any difference between quartz and x11 :-)
> Assuming there is some noticeable difference and I decide to keep both, how 
> do I switch from one macports installation to the other and back when using 
> it?
> Thanks,
> Gustavo Seabra
>> Em 3 de dez de 2015, à(s) 14:21, Ryan Schmidt <> 
>> escreveu:
>> We default to X11 because there are still many software packages written by 
>> developers who do not test on a Mac, are not aware of Quartz, and 
>> inadvertently write software that requires X11. 
>> Some users prefer to use Quartz because its visual appearance is more 
>> pleasing to them than X11. If you don't care, use X11.  
>>> On Dec 3, 2015, at 11:18, Gustavo Seabra <> wrote:
>>> OK, it looks as id it will take a bit more work than normal to get it 
>>> working…
>>> BTW, do you know of any port that does not have a +x11 variant, and would 
>>> require exclusively the +quartz one? (I’m trying to decide if there’s any 
>>> reason to keep the quartz around at all).
>>> Thanks,
>>> Gustavo Seabra
>>>> Em 3 de dez de 2015, à(s) 14:02, Ryan Schmidt <> 
>>>> escreveu:
>>>> On Dec 3, 2015, at 08:46, Gustavo Seabra wrote:
>>>>> I have recently changed to Quartz, a process started with the command 
>>>>> suggested here:
>>>>> After some kinks, it all works fine now. However, I now want to install a 
>>>>> port that depends on x11 (PyMol). If I try this, the install crashes with 
>>>>> the message:
>>>> Let's use the correct terminology: nothing has crashed; you've merely 
>>>> encountered an error message.
>>>>> --->  Rebuilding in order
>>>>> gtksourceview2 @2.10.5 
>>>>> py27-pygtksourceview @2.10.1 
>>>>> gwenhywfar4-gtk @4.14.0 
>>>>> webkit-gtk @2.4.9 +video
>>>>> Error: org.macports.archivefetch for port gtksourceview2 returned: gtk2 
>>>>> must be installed with +x11.
>>>>> The version i have now is:
>>>>> $ port installed gtk2
>>>>> The following ports are currently installed:
>>>>> gtk2 @2.24.28_1+quartz (active) 
>>>>> If I try to install gtk2 to be compatible with both quartz and x11, I get:
>>>>> $ sudo port install gtk2 +quartz +x11
>>>>> Password:
>>>>> Error: gtk2: Variant quartz conflicts with x11
>>>>> Error: Unable to open port: Error evaluating variants
>>>>> So, to install PyMol, will i need to uninstall everything that now is 
>>>>> working with quartz to reinstall it with x11? Os is there a way to have 
>>>>> them working side-by-side?
>>>> Some ports can install both variants simultaneously, such as Cairo; most 
>>>> cannot. For those that cannot, you should decide whether you want X11 or 
>>>> Quartz before you install any of them, and make the appropriate selection 
>>>> in your variants.conf file. You cannot easily switch a MacPorts 
>>>> installation from X11 to Quartz or vice versa. If you need both, install a 
>>>> second MacPorts installation in a different prefix. For example, use the 
>>>> default prefix /opt/local for X11 since that is the default variant so you 
>>>> would be more likely to be able to get binaries from our server, and use 
>>>> another prefix like /opt/quartzlocal for Quartz, since non default 
>>>> prefixes won't get any binaries anyway.
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