On Dec 3, 2015, at 08:46, Gustavo Seabra wrote:
> I have recently changed to Quartz, a process started with the command 
> suggested here:
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.os.apple.macports.user/39617
> After some kinks, it all works fine now. However, I now want to install a 
> port that depends on x11 (PyMol). If I try this, the install crashes with the 
> message:

Let's use the correct terminology: nothing has crashed; you've merely 
encountered an error message.

> --->  Rebuilding in order
>     gtksourceview2 @2.10.5 
>     py27-pygtksourceview @2.10.1 
>     gwenhywfar4-gtk @4.14.0 
>     webkit-gtk @2.4.9 +video
> Error: org.macports.archivefetch for port gtksourceview2 returned: gtk2 must 
> be installed with +x11.
> The version i have now is:
> $ port installed gtk2
> The following ports are currently installed:
>  gtk2 @2.24.28_1+quartz (active) 
> If I try to install gtk2 to be compatible with both quartz and x11, I get:
> $ sudo port install gtk2 +quartz +x11
> Password:
> Error: gtk2: Variant quartz conflicts with x11
> Error: Unable to open port: Error evaluating variants
> So, to install PyMol, will i need to uninstall everything that now is working 
> with quartz to reinstall it with x11? Os is there a way to have them working 
> side-by-side?

Some ports can install both variants simultaneously, such as Cairo; most 
cannot. For those that cannot, you should decide whether you want X11 or Quartz 
before you install any of them, and make the appropriate selection in your 
variants.conf file. You cannot easily switch a MacPorts installation from X11 
to Quartz or vice versa. If you need both, install a second MacPorts 
installation in a different prefix. For example, use the default prefix 
/opt/local for X11 since that is the default variant so you would be more 
likely to be able to get binaries from our server, and use another prefix like 
/opt/quartzlocal for Quartz, since non default prefixes won't get any binaries 
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