
Bear with me - I'm a musician, not a Unix expert, but I'm doing my best!

I'm still resolutely running Snow Leopard and last night did a port selfupdate 
to take me up to MP 2.6.0. So far so good.

However, when I then tried to do a port rev-upgrade, the problems began. It 
fails on the first step, upgrading gmp. Looking at the log files, it seems like 
it's expecting to find clang 8, and I have no idea why - I've never installed 
it and so, not surprisingly, it's not there.

I'm using:

Xcode 3.2
Component versions: DevToolsCore-1608.0; DevToolsSupport-1591.0
BuildVersion: 10D575

Here are the log files:

Attachment: config.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: main.log
Description: Binary data

Just on the offchance that it would help I tried to install clang 8 but that 
failed, as I sort of expected it would.

I don't know if this is relevant but I did some time ago install the libcxx 
port, but this was to try to fool mainstream OSX programs that were designed 
for Lion and above (it didn't work!) rather than for any Macports-related 
stuff. Therefore I didn't mess with any of the Macports configuration as 
described in LibcxxOnOlderSystems. Nevertheless I've had a look at the 
macports.conf file to make sure that there's nothing untoward in there and, 
sure enough, everything is set to the defaults.

Any help will be gratefully received!

Many thanks,

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