Hi Rob,

Rob Widdicombe wrote:
> I'm still resolutely running Snow Leopard and last night did a port 
> selfupdate to take me up to MP 2.6.0. So far so good.
> However, when I then tried to do a port rev-upgrade, the problems began. It 
> fails on the first step, upgrading gmp. Looking at the log files, it seems 
> like it's expecting to find clang 8, and I have no idea why - I've never 
> installed it and so, not surprisingly, it's not there.
> I'm using:
> Xcode 3.2
> Component versions: DevToolsCore-1608.0; DevToolsSupport-1591.0
> BuildVersion: 10D575

It won't fix this problem, but it's recommended to update to Xcode 3.2.6.

> Here are the log files:

This seems to be an issue specific to gmp. It does some manipulation of
the selected compiler which relies on assumptions that are no longer
true in MacPorts 2.6. Please file a ticket.

- Josh

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