Hi Mojca,

Many thanks for the reply.

That's fine - I'm happy to wait. The existing  binaries are still happy and it 
was just a fluke of timing that had me updating to the new MP as soon as it was 
out of the gate..

I'll keep an eye on the news and try again when things have settled down a bit. 

I'm just very grateful that my aged OS is still supported! :)


On 23 Sep 2019, at 11:43, Mojca Miklavec wrote:

> On Mon, 23 Sep 2019 at 11:38, Rob Widdicombe wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Bear with me - I'm a musician, not a Unix expert, but I'm doing my best!
>> I'm still resolutely running Snow Leopard and last night did a port 
>> selfupdate to take me up to MP 2.6.0. So far so good.
>> However, when I then tried to do a port rev-upgrade, the problems began.
> Without looking at the individual logs yet ... as Ryan mentioned, we
> would generally advice users of < 10.9 to wait a couple of more days
> before doing the actual update.
> https://lists.macports.org/pipermail/macports-users/2019-September/047381.html
> This is something that we should probably write with some big warning
> sign to both the homepage (download section) as well as under github
> release.
> Some pretty big fundamental changes were done for these old systems
> and there were two options:
> - put an extensive amount of effort and horsepower to run both
> configurations in parallel for an extended period of time
> - switch the default and cope with some issues for a limited period of
> time, hoping that not too many users will be affected (too much)
> Due to lack of manpower we went for the second option.
> According to https://build.macports.org/waterfall?tag=10.6 the
> buildbot workers were not even re-started yet, and I would expect a
> couple of days (or weeks) for them to catch up. Ideally you would want
> to wait at least until some basic binaries get built on the server. I
> assume that your existing binaries still work?
> Arjun: we should check in case the web app needs any adjustments. We
> will probably no longer have the "legacy" workers.
> Mojca

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