On Nov 16, 2020, at 02:55, Dominik Reichardt wrote:

> Yes, everyone replying that you have the CLT installed, check if it’s 
> actually the correct one. Because apparently there is a bug that makes Xcode 
> report that the CLTs are installed *without* checking whether it is the 
> correct version.

On OS X 10.9 Mavericks and later you can run:

pkgutil --pkg-info=com.apple.pkg.CLTools_Executables | grep version

This will tell you the installed version of the command line tools. On Big Sur 
I get:


If you are on Big Sur and you have a version older than 12.2, please download 
and install the Xcode 12.2 command line tools from:


If it says:

No receipt for 'com.apple.pkg.CLTools_Executables' found at '/'.

then you either do not have the command line tools installed or you are 
affected by the Apple bug that deletes the command line tools receipt described 


To fix this, download and install the Xcode 12.2 command line tools from:


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