Hi Cara,
     When you are going through the setup process and you have the  
radio buttons to select a new Mac, restoring from a time machine  
backup or from another volume, I chose the time machine optino.  Note  
that I could not get the restore to work from the Utilities menu of  
the install DVD.  I did have sighted help looking over my shoulder,  
but when you restore from the time machine backup, you should have the  
ability to go back.  Mine was easy because I only wanted the last  
backup.  Honestly, I didn't spend a lot of time poking around, but  
I'll ask my friend who was there if he remembers what all the options  
were if you need me to.

Take Care

On Mar 18, 2009, at 6:57 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

>   John, where were you offered the choice of dates from which to
> restore?…  I didn't see this at all.  I chose restore from a Time
> Machine backup, but didn't see any place to enter or choose a date.
> Smiles,
> Cara  :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> http://www.onemodelplace.com/CaraQuinn
> On Mar 18, 2009, at 1:57 PM, John Panarese wrote:
> Hi Cara,
>     From experience, I did a wipe and install with Leopard and then
> used time machine to pull a backup from wich to restore.  This worked
> like a charm for me.  I just chose the latest date and I got
> everything back.  As a note, I did this after the install during the
> setup when you are offered choices of choosing to restore from another
> volume or from a time machine backup.
> On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:49 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>> Hey All, happy Wednesday to you!…
>> Okay, I have an issue going on that I can't seem to solve.
>> Somehow, whether inadvertently by me, or a bit of software I've
>> installed, a system framework has been installed that I really need  
>> to
>> get rid of.
>> I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on how to simply restore my
>> entire system from a backup?…
>> I wiped my main partition last night and reinstalled Leopard, but
>> wasn't offered a choice of backups from Migration assistant.  I.E.  I
>> wasn't able to choose the date I'd like to restore from.  Since the
>> latest restore point also has the new framework, it seems to have  
>> come
>> over with everything else, so again, I'm in the situation of needing
>> to restore.  aaarrrggg!  Sorry, but this is feeling a bit Microsoft  
>> to
>> me!  lol!
>> So, at this point, I'm simply wanting to go into Time Machine, and
>> pick a date before the possible install, and restore from it.  Is  
>> this
>> possible?…
>> Otherwise, what in the heck am I supposed to do to get a clean
>> system install yet still retain all of my user data?…
>> Thanks for any help anyone can offer!…  You guys rock!…
>> Have a terrific day!…
>> Smiles,
>> Cara  :)
>> ---
>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>> http://www.onemodelplace.com/CaraQuinn
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> >

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