ooh, I'm jealous too!! I'd love to play with it and see what it was  
really like!! I didn't get the full experience when I was little. wow!!!
peace and positivity
follow me on twitter www.twitter.com/canadian_diva
On 19-Apr-09, at 3:08 PM, Cameron wrote:

> Hi.  I agree.  Back in the day, When I used Outspoken on my  
> Macintosh II S
> I, and then on my powerbook later, I was able to get many things  
> done and I
> found it to be an efficient way to work.  I really grew to like  
> outspoken as
> well as my macs.
> I found outspoken's commands and implementation very logical.
> It didn't get in the way of work flow.
> And yes, the mark feature was nice to have!
> That mac II S I, which I bought second hand, was my first computer.   
> I loved
> that little box and it never crashed on me or anything.
> I remember using one of the very early macs, the classic with the  
> grayscale
> screen, years and years ago.
> My memories of making the switch over to windows 95 and jfw 3.2 I  
> think it
> was, are not as nice.
> Cameron.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Krister Ekstrom
> Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2009 2:59 AM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: oldschool mac nostalgia
> Hey there.
> I sorta have to protest here.:-) Outspoken was a hell of a good screen
> reader for being as primitive as it seemed. Ok, you didn't have all
> those fancy things you can do nowadays with screen readers, but it had
> quite a lot of inventive tricks that you could do. For graphical
> objects that couldn't be recognized, i.e you knew the position of the
> object, but you didn't see a graphic, there was a "mark" feature that
> saved its marks on a per application basis, as i recall. You could
> name a position and then go to that position by typing the name you
> gave it. Vo has something similar in its bookmarks and hotspots, only
> you can't save the positions and they disappear as soon as you close a
> document and or an application. Too bad in my opinion.
> There were other things too that were very clever, for example the way
> they had solved the drag and drop problem.
> /Krister
> 19 apr 2009 kl. 11.23 skrev Jessi Rathwell:
>> yeah, that would be interesting, a history lesson about  
>> accessibility.
>> although, it doesn't seem like there was too much accessibility  
>> before
>> VO. outspoken seemed like it only did so much. that's funny people
>> were protesting against GUI's though, although I can see how they
>> might think that. I'm sure going from a completely text based command
>> line to a completely graphical interface would've been scary back in
>> the day.
>> peace and positivity
>> Jessi
>> follow me on twitter www.twitter.com/canadian_diva
>> On 19-Apr-09, at 2:16 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> There were no such names as "tiger" or "leopard" at that time. As  
>>> far
>>> as i remember the system was called "system 7". I think it was  
>>> called
>>> "Macos" from v8 or possibly v9 but i can be wrong.
>>> It would be interesting with a little history lesson from a  
>>> blindness
>>> perspective of apple products through the years. For example, when
>>> did
>>> the Mac become accessible for the first time and what were the
>>> reactions back then? Here in Sweden in the year of 1989, the
>>> organization for the young visually impaired actually demonstrated
>>> against the coming GUIs. They thought that that would more or less  
>>> be
>>> the death of accessibility to computers for the blind and the threat
>>> was called Macintosh.
>>> /Krister
>>> 18 apr 2009 kl. 21.59 skrev Jessi Rathwell:
>>>> haha wow! what was OS7 called? lol. I'm really curious about the
>>>> rest
>>>> of the OS's! like I know all OS10s are cat names, but what about
>>>> before? lol.
>>>> On 18-Apr-09, at 12:23 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>>>> Hi.
>>>>> My first computer experiences was on a Mac Classic, i think it was
>>>>> called that ran os 7. I was one of the two, i think, in Sweden who
>>>>> ran
>>>>> Macs with Outspoken at that time. I absolutely loved that screen
>>>>> reader.
>>>>> /Krister
>>>>> 18 apr 2009 kl. 20.23 skrev Mark Baxter:
>>>>>> I went to college with an Apple 2C and an Echo Cricket which I  
>>>>>> did
>>>>>> all
>>>>>> my papers on.  This was 1986-90, and the whole Dartmouth campus
>>>>>> was
>>>>>> wired for Macs.  My roommate used to taunt me with the "talking
>>>>>> moose," application on his Mac 640.  I eventually had to trash  
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> 2C
>>>>>> when its disk drive crashed and I couldn't get parts for it.
>>>>>> Mark BurningHawk
>>>>>> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>>>>> MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
>>>>>> My home page:
>>>>>> http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
> >

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