Yes, go to and select #20 which contains a Navigon  
discussion.  One of the other podcasts from them contains some  
prelinimary talk about it but it is pretty superficial.

On Aug 11, 2009, at 8:35 AM, william lomas wrote:

> is there a serotalk podcast talking about the program that i can
> listen to?
> On 11 Aug 2009, at 13:13, Chris Hofstader wrote:
>> there has been no official announcement of what the December update  
>> of
>> Navigon will contain.  I know of a few people in close contact with
>> the guys who make Navigon and have heard some rumours and "insider"
>> information but I cannot comment publicly as, like all software
>> development cycles,  some items may or may not make the short list
>> when the tough decisions are made.
>> Based upon SereTalk podcast, though, I would assume we'll see some
>> updates to the accessibility of the program so it works better with  
>> VO
>> and provides more information to pedestrians.
>> cdh
>> On Aug 11, 2009, at 5:01 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>> what will the update in december contain for navigon?
>>> On 10 Aug 2009, at 18:50, Chris Hofstader wrote:
>>>> EI don't do podcasts.  I will write some blog entries on this stuff
>>>> soon (
>>>> Of those available to blinks, Wayfinder is the one I know the least
>>>> about as I only used it for a month or so about a year ago.  Almost
>>>> all of the players in the AT biz are using the same Sendero engine.
>>>> So, Humanware, Nuance, Freedom Scientific, Code Factory are all
>>>> about
>>>> the same underneath but have different UI that one can pick from.
>>>> Just based on my minimal experience with Navigon, though, I would
>>>> suggest you stick with Wayfinder/Access until they put out an  
>>>> update
>>>> expected in December.  Navigon is fine if you don't already have
>>>> something but I wouldn't scrap your current solution quite yet.
>>>> These opinions are mine and mine alone and are the result of  
>>>> messing
>>>> around with Navigon for less than two days and I've been using
>>>> Mobile
>>>> Geo very frequently since it came out and it is my favorite but  
>>>> that
>>>> is likely because it is the one with which I'm most familiar.
>>>> cdh
>>>> On Aug 10, 2009, at 9:40 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>>>> can you do a podcast on navigon so  ican hear it? at present i  
>>>>> am a
>>>>> wayfinder user and want to "hear" how it compares
>>>>> On 10 Aug 2009, at 14:09, Chris Hofstader wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> While I have had and enjoyed my iPhone for about a month and a
>>>>>> half, I
>>>>>> hadn't, before yesterday, needed to switch between running tasks.
>>>>>> Specifically, I was following directions to our local YWCA using
>>>>>> Navigon yesterday.  I received a phone call and, after hanging
>>>>>> up, I
>>>>>> couldn't figure out how to get back to Navigon to look at some
>>>>>> things.  Navigon continued giving me directions but I could not
>>>>>> get
>>>>>> back to its interface where VoiceOver reads the street names and
>>>>>> such.
>>>>>> I looked in the iPhone manual and searched on "task switching"  
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> "background task" using VO's search facility as well as the one  
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> Preview and didn't find anything.  I can't believe that this  
>>>>>> would
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> too difficult but I can't find it in the manual given the search
>>>>>> criteria I can think up.
>>>>>> Any help will be appreciated.  I'm going back into the manual to
>>>>>> see
>>>>>> what I might be able to find.
>>>>>> Happy Hacking,
>>>>>> cdh
> >

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