
To have your mp3 audiobook show up under audiobooks instead of music,  
select all tracks and use "Get Info" (Command-I) to edit.  iTunes will  
ask whether you really want to edit multiple tracks. Just press return  
to indicate that you do.  In the Multple Item information window, VO- 
Right arrow to the "Options" tab and press (VO-Space).  Then navigate  
(VO-Right arrow) to the pop up button for Media Kind and change this  
from "Music" to "Audiobook" (VO-Space and use your arrow keys).  Next,  
navigate (VO-Right arrow) to the pop up button for Remember Position  
and change this from "No"  to "Yes".  This will remember your place in  
the track.  Finally, navigate (VO-Right arrow) to the pop up button  
for Skip when shuffling and change this from "No" to "Yes".  This will  
omit your audiobook tracks from random shuffle play.  Press return (or  
navigate to the "OK" button and press it with VO-Space) to commit your  

The tracks should vanish from the Music library and reappear under  
Audiobooks.  Finally, make up a smart playlist to play your book. I'm  
assuming that your mp3 files are tagged to identify the book in the  
album title and that the individual tracks are also tagged and  
ordered. Either find the "Make Smart Playlist" menu option from the  
File menu on the iTunes menu bar or use the shortcut, Command-Option- 
N. Navigate (VO-Right arrow) to the rules section and interact (VO- 
Shift-Down Arrow).  You're going to create two rules:
<Album> <contains> Name of your book
<Play count> <is> 0
  Press (VO-Space) the first pop up button and change it from "Artist"  
to "Album" (by arrowing up or by quickly typing the first few letters  
of the keyword).  VO-Right arrow  past the "contains" pop up button to  
the text field and type in the album name. (You can change the pop up  
button for "contains" to "is" if you want an exact match, but either  
should work).  At the end of the first rule, VO-Right arrow to the  
"Add" button and press it (VO-Space).  Then VO-Right arrow to the next  
rule.  Change the pop up button to "Play Count". The remaining  
arguments should read "is 0".  Stop interacting with the rules section  
and VO-Right arrow to make sure that "Live Updating" is checked (which  
it should be by default), then either press return to commit your  
changes or VO-Right arrow to the "OK" button and press it with VO- 
Space.  Then type in a name for your smart playlist.

Play your audio book from your smart playlist.  As each track is  
played, it's play count will increment to 1, and the live updating  
feature will cause it to drop off the smart playlist, so that the next  
unplayed track is always at the top of the playlist.  Since iTunes  
remembers the position within your current track, your current  
position is always bookmarked.  If you want to reset your play count  
to 0, just select all tracks and use the contextual menu in the songs  
table to "Reset Play Count" and you can reuse your smart playlist.




Jessi and Goldina wrote:

> hey guys
> I have an audio book in mp3 format that someone sent me. I imported it
> into iTunes and it shows up with all my other music. is there a way to
> put it with my other audio books? all the ones I get from audible show
> up in the audio books playlist and I want this one to show up there
> too. also, is there a way to have my mac and iPod remember my place in
> the book like it does with the audible ones?
> thanks.
> Jessi and Goldina
> >

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