Personally I do a disk permissions repair every 2 weeks or so , along with a scan of Clean My Mac utility which seems to keep things nicely topped up and in shape. Despite the frequent repairs there are often issues found and I would never leave it for 4 months.

In relation to Fusion I too, was able to use Fusion 6 fine on Yosemite and actually wished I had not upgraded as Version 7 has developed an annoying habit of losing/closing the Windows 7 window every time I command tab back to the Mac. It is not a show stopper as when I restart the windows session it is always at the point I command tabbed away but is annoyance nevertheless.

David Griffith

On 05/02/2015  15:16, Vivianna wrote:
i have not repaired disc permissions as, this is a new computer, only 4 months 
as for using fusion.  when i tried to open my version 6 i was presented with an 
alert telling me that this version does not work with yosemite.  so, not sure 
how some of you are running that.
version 7.2 works the same as the other versions.  i have not noticed anything 
strange with it so far.


On Feb 5, 2015, at 9:08 AM, Mike Arrigo <> wrote:

Restarting a computer will fix a lot of strange issues. I upgraded a few days 
ago as well, but I reformatted my drive and installed from scratch. I decided 
not to reinstall Fusion, I no longer have any need for Windows.
Original message:
hi all,
so, i decided to upgrade from mavericks to the latest yosemite a few days ago.
the first thing i noticed was, o.o crap, vmWare fusion 6.2 won’t work so, now i 
am running the latest 7.2 version in demo mode.
next thing, programs like skype, mail, safari, did not work as usual.  so, i 
restarted the machine and, wow, some of that was magically fixed.
then, voiceover would not say the letters N and O.  no matter where i was or 
what i was doing, nothing in the N or O department.  typing, or reading letter 
by letter.
so, this morning i restarted again and, what do you know, now i can hear the 
N’s and O’s again.
also, when using the backspace to delete or edit, voiceover would not speak at 
all.  i had to totally guess what i was doing.  very weird,  but, after the 
latest restart this morning, i have that back as well.
all this is super strange.
does anybody have any ideas what was happening?
thanks for any input.
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