Hey man, why not make a larger challenge? Try using IOS exclusively for 1 week. 
Good luck.
I’d love to hear your experiences.

> On Aug 24, 2015, at 10:15 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
> <clgillan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So guys, maybe I am a bit of an extremest, however I have decided to take a 
> major challenge upon  myself.  So many people have said that I O S is at a 
> point where it could almost serve as a production based computer setup for 
> some people.  I decided, techy as I am, to take this challenge and see if 
> that is really the case for my daily lifestyle.  Does it mean that I am going 
> to use I O S exclusively from this point forward, and never use a computer 
> again?  Hell! no!  All I'm saying is, I wanted to really truely give the 
> mobile world a fair chance, and really take it to the extreme.
> Therefore, for the next 24 hours, I am trying to stay off my pc as much as 
> humanly possible.  Obviously, if a customer of mine needs something done that 
> I find isn't working with I O S, then I'll hop on my mac or my PC, and get it 
> done, but even then, I won't do so unless it winds up being a very very last 
> resort.  I really am open-minded about wanting to try this and really see if 
> I truely can manage with only a mobile device, be it my IPhone, or my IPad to 
> do this.
> This said, here is the first challenge I've hit.  I know that being you all 
> won't be able to see what I'm seeing first hand, it's going to make things a 
> bit difficult, but trust me when I say, this was a nightmare!
> I am running a droplet on Digital Ocean of UBuntu 14.04 64 bit, Server.  On 
> here, I have followed the instructions posted by Nerd Vittles and have 
> installed Asterisk's Incredible PBX.  Tonight, I wanted to add an entry to my 
> main company IVR.  So, I grabbed my IPad, and went to the FreePBX admin web 
> interface.  I have IPTables installed locking it down to my IP address, so 
> even if I was to give you all the URL to go to, it wouldn't work for you 
> guys.  Just take my word for this.  The page loaded just fine, but first off, 
> I saw the link on this page to log into the ISynthany server, if I had one 
> configured, which I don't.  I also saw the button to load the user panel 
> login screen.  When I double tapped on this button however, I was presented 
> with a page telling me that Safari was unable to connect.  I know this is 
> baloni, as both my windows PC, as well as all 3 of my macs can connect with 
> absolutely no problem to that page.
> So, I backed myself out, back to the main FreePBX page, and proceeded to look 
> for the link/button to log into the admin panel.  Try as I may however, the 
> link was nowhere to be found.  I know where the link should be on the page, 
> but neither touch exploration nor flicking would focus it.  Now, to be fair, 
> let me say this.  I do not know if the link was visibly there on the screen.  
> If I had to guess based on my touch exploration, I'd say it probably most 
> likely wasn't, but again, let's be totally fair.  I cannot prove this one way 
> or another.  I turned off, and back on Voiceover, which did entirely no good. 
>  I also tried using my item chooser list, which yielded nothing.  Finally, at 
> my whit's end, I turned my rotor to links, and found nothing, buttons, and 
> found nothing, and even form controls, and found nothing.
> I tried this both with, and without a bluetooth keyboard.  So needless to 
> say, either the way that site is scripted/coded is just very very! 
> nonstandard, or Safari is just having a major fit with this web admin 
> interface.
> Is this real common that you'll see web pages on the mobile side of things 
> not render well?  I even went so far as to click the icon that said show full 
> site, but that had no effect accessibility wise.  Is there maybe another 
> little trick I could try?
> Yes, guilty as charged, I broke my challenge in this one case.  I didn't have 
> a choice being this was business related, and urgently had to be done.  So, I 
> just hopped on my mac and did it.  That really has sucked the fun out of me 
> though, as man!  I was so! looking forward to that working, and me being able 
> to be really impressed.  Unfortunately, not the case here.
> Chris.
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