Hello Olivia,  

I would never dream of flaming you or anyone for asking an honest question.

While I'm short on time, I wanted to give you an answer from someone who is
not biased against either platform, something that is becoming harder and
harder to find, sadly.  

I find that I am traveling great distances on the weekends, these days.  For
a while, I would take two computers with me my beloved MacBook Pro 13-inch,
and my beloved Acer 7-inch NetBook, simply the most adorable thing I've ever

The reason why I take two is probably obvious; there are some programs in
Windows 7, such as MS Money and OpenBook, that require Windows.  Also,
although I know Mac users will hate this, many web pages simply work better
with Internet Explorer.  Remember, I don't make the news, I simply report it
so don't shoot the messenger, OK?  (Smile)  Also, I use GoldWave and I do so
in Windows.  

Now, keep in mind that while my MacBook Pro is much larger than my cute
little NetBook, it gets up to 3 times as long of battery life, it's much
faster, and quite frankly, it provides a more enjoyable physical working

Now that I have a full working virtual machine with Windows 7 Ultimate with
Jaws, I have the best of both worlds on one machine.  Less cords to keep
track of and a faster computer, to boot.  

Also, any resources I attach to the Mac, such as my Verizon Wireless
AirCard, is automatically available to the Windows 7 virtual machine.  

Finally, since using Windows 7 Ultimate in a virtual environment, there is
no need to run virus scanners or anything else that may slow down the
Windows experience for, assuming I keep backup copies of the virtual
machine, should anything get corrupted, (not likely to happen) I simply
delete the infected machine and replace it with the backup copy complete
with everything intact including my installed licensed copy of Jaws.  

I hope this helps you understand the benefit of a Windows virtual machine on
a Mac.

Oh! One more thing, with the current problems of Safari 5, it's nice to be
able to quickly switch to Internet Explorer to enjoy the web.

Olivia, remember, it's all about options and choices, the most wonderful
liberty in the universe, to be sure.

Have a wonderful day,


-----Original Message-----
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Olivia Norman
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 7:06 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people
opt for this?

Hi Everyone,
Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just
don't understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what they
use it for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience with
windows over the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the trouble
and expense for most people.  Consider that windows isn't accessible out of
the box, so you've often got to get some expensive third party solution like
Jaws to make it accessible to you, as well as purchasing windows.  I guess
the question I'm asking here, is if you're going to shell out the cash for
windows, and the third party access solutions, why get a mac in te first
place?  Also, from a VO users prospective, how difficult is it to switch
between the two operating systems?
I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in
knowing why and how you switch between the OS's?
Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good reasons
for using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they are!
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