Hi Thuy, Donna, and Erik,

Can you really do page up and page down on the Braille Display? I'd be interested to see a list of the navigation capabilities of the Braille devices. I'm writing up a summary of keyboard shortcuts for the Apple Wireless Keyboard and iPad Keyboard Dock. These are mostly the movement and selection commands you are familiar with, but none of the Fn key combinations that work on the Macbook to page up or page down (Fn+Up or Down Arrow), or to forward delete (Fn+Delete) work with these keyboards. This may be a decision, since the iPad Keyboard Dock doesn't have the Fn key. What's interesting is that the shortcut combination of Command-Space bar to switch input language keyboards works with these keyboards. (This shortcut key combination is in the list by Jacob Rus of Cocoa keybindings, and predates the existence of Spotlight, which was also assigned this shortcut.)
The only thing is, if you want to switch to language with non-Roman letters, such as Russian (cyrillic characters), Greek, or Japanese, you'd better set your language rotor to "Default" if you want to hear these options announced. (And I'm really happy there is a language rotor in iOS4.)

Erik, you can't assign new keys under iOS4, so unless there's a way to remap the key assignments on the Braille devices, I don't think you can customize shortcut key combinations.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Jun 30, 2010, Donna Goodin wrote:

Hi Thuy,

Interesting. I did go into practice gestures, and was surprised to find that there weren't too many commands available. I wonder if this could be unique to the Alva. The basics were there, of course, navigate left/right, move to next item, touble-tap item, but I saw nothing for page-down. I'll check again, but maybe I'll drop Apple a quick note about this.
On Jun 30, 2010, at 10:53 AM, Thuy wrote:

Hi Donna. I have been able to make this work with my eurobraille
esys12 and the iphone 3gs running ios4. To find out the key commands
from the braille display, go into the voiceover practise gesture area
and try out different combinations. Mine has two options for a lot of
functions including the page up and down. If you have input keys,
sometimes a chord will work? With mine I have a left joystick or I can
do it with the o-chord or ow-chord . Sometimes it changes the page,
but doesn't always refresh it on the display unless you move out of
the text area into the bookmark button and then back into the text
area, you might be lucky? Hope this helps?



On 30/06/2010, Donna Goodin <goodi...@msu.edu> wrote:
I haven't yet found a way to assign keys on the iphone.
On Jun 30, 2010, at 9:54 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

Hi, can you not manually assign a key to do this? Unfortunately I don't have the IPhone 4 yet, though I am extraordinarily covetous and will probably try to justify the expense in the next several months. It should
be possible one way or the other though, and as long as you are
interacting with the page that should take care of the focus issue. I'll
admit I'm super intrigued by the possibility of Ibooks.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Website: http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
Toll-free: 888-255-5194

On 2010-06-30, at 9:56 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

Anyone had much luck with this? I'm using and Alva BC640. First, there doesn't seem to be a command for the 3-finger flick to simulate turning the page, so you have to use the page chooser. This works OK, except that once I've chosen a page, the only way I've found to get the braille display to the page content is to pick up my iphone and touch the text.
Just wondering if anyone's found an easier way to do this.

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