Hello all,
I am Alex. I use a pc with win7x64 and jaws (or nvda if jaws decides
to act up). I also use an iPod Touch, sometimes paired with a
Braillenote Apex. While I do not plan on getting a mac, mostly because
I lack the money, I do have questions about vo on the mac, as well as
one or two about osx in general. Here goes:

1. What is with this "interact" command, or whatever it is called?
What is it and when is it used?

2. While the rotor, I gather, is available, can you still use commands
to quickly navigate webpages? With jaws, for example, f moves by form
fields, x by checkbox, n by non-linked text, t by table, and so on,
instead of having to take the time to move through the rotor.

3. Can vo be scripted? For example, I have jaws set to play a musical
note based on the indentation level for a certain text editor so I can
know where I am in Python code. NVDA can do this as well, though the
functionality has to be written as a plugin in Python. Is anything
like this available in vo?

4. Can other voices be used with vo? Alex sounds okay, but are there
other options at this point?

5. In some podcasts I have heard, it sounds like there is no menu or
dialog wrapping. That is, if there are ten options in a menu and you
are at the bottom, you have to up arrow nine times instead of down
arrowing once. Is this true?

6. It is quite rare that jaws will freeze or require a restart. How
often do you experience problems with vo that cause a loss of speech?
Does command-f5 fix the problem, or do you have to restart the whole

7. Are shortcut keys available? For example, in a file menu, you might
just press "o" to open instead of arrowing to and activating that

8. How well does Windows work on a system like bootcamp? There is not
much from windows I would miss, but my audio games are definitely on
the short list. Many of them rely on the .net framework, ActiveX, and
other core components. Does any of that work on the mac? In short, can
audio games for Windows run on the mac with Windows installed?

9. Is there a virtual machine option for the mac so you can "boot"
windows without restarting?

10. How is vo with punctuation? Can you customize what symbols are
spoken, is it level-based, or is it all or none?

11. Can you set up application-specific options? For instance, jaws
lets you set a low punctuation level for one program and a high level
for another and switches between them as you switch between
applications. Is something like this possible, even if it is not

12. Is it at all possible to get osx10.6 or later to dual boot with
windows on a windows box to test it out without making the huge switch
to a mac?

Thanks in advance for any information. Again, I am not looking to
replace my Windows machine, but I have heard so many conflicting
reports about vo and the mac in general that I thought I would get to
the bottom of it all by coming to the people who use it on a daily

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
mehg...@gmail.com; http://www.facebook.com/mehgcap

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