Hi, see my comments below.
Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-02-13, at 7:52 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hello all,
> 1. What is with this "interact" command, or whatever it is called?
> What is it and when is it used?For a detailed description of this, google for 
> the dropped penny approach which is a description I wrote and posted here a 
> year or two ago and has been published around.  The short answer is that 
> voiceover organizes objects on the screen as a sighted person would view them 
> and allows you to skip over what you don't want while examining what you do 
> want in miniscule detail.  It's very powerful but requires a high degree of 
> analytical thinking.  Most tasks can be accomplished without interacting, but 
> full access wouldn't be possible without it.
> 2. While the rotor, I gather, is available, can you still use commands
> to quickly navigate webpages? With jaws, for example, f moves by form
> fields, x by checkbox, n by non-linked text, t by table, and so on,
> instead of having to take the time to move through the rotor.
> Yes you can do this.
> 3. Can vo be scripted? For example, I have jaws set to play a musical
> note based on the indentation level for a certain text editor so I can
> know where I am in Python code. NVDA can do this as well, though the
> functionality has to be written as a plugin in Python. Is anything
> like this available in vo?
> Yes it is as far as I know.  I don't understand exactly how apple script 
> works, but VO can be scripted with it.
> 4. Can other voices be used with vo? Alex sounds okay, but are there
> other options at this point?
> Yes, there is infovox/IVox which is the mac package for acapela, and there is 
> cepstril for mac.  Espeak is also available for mac but I'm not sure it's 
> possible to integrate it to where it can be used with voiceover yet. 
> 5. In some podcasts I have heard, it sounds like there is no menu or
> dialog wrapping. That is, if there are ten options in a menu and you
> are at the bottom, you have to up arrow nine times instead of down
> arrowing once. Is this true?
> It's an option that you can turn on or off.  I don't know why any one would 
> want it turned off, although I find it confuses some of my older clients when 
> turned on.
> 6. It is quite rare that jaws will freeze or require a restart. How
> often do you experience problems with vo that cause a loss of speech?
> Does command-f5 fix the problem, or do you have to restart the whole
> machine?You find it rare?  Lucky you.  I guess it happens to me on the mac 
> about once or twice a month.  Hitting command f5 usually fixes it.  Newer 
> versions of safari aren't as stable with Vo as older ones in my experience 
> and there are some other qwerky behaviors, but in the main it's really solid.
> 7. Are shortcut keys available? For example, in a file menu, you might
> just press "o" to open instead of arrowing to and activating that
> option.
> Yes, this works.
> 8. How well does Windows work on a system like bootcamp? There is not
> much from windows I would miss, but my audio games are definitely on
> the short list. Many of them rely on the .net framework, ActiveX, and
> other core components. Does any of that work on the mac? In short, can
> audio games for Windows run on the mac with Windows installed?
> Yes they can.
> 9. Is there a virtual machine option for the mac so you can "boot"
> windows without restarting?Yes there is.
> 10. How is vo with punctuation? Can you customize what symbols are
> spoken, is it level-based, or is it all or none?
> Its customizable at least to a degree You get all, most, some or none, but 
> not the ability to configure them yet.
> 11. Can you set up application-specific options? For instance, jaws
> lets you set a low punctuation level for one program and a high level
> for another and switches between them as you switch between
> applications. Is something like this possible, even if it is not
> punctuation?
> Not yet, unless apple scripting can do it.  This is an often requested 
> feature though and it's most likely in the works.
> 12. Is it at all possible to get osx10.6 or later to dual boot with
> windows on a windows box to test it out without making the huge switch
> to a mac?
> This would be illegal, but enterprising individuals are always coming up with 
> something... wink.
> Thanks in advance for any information. Again, I am not looking to
> replace my Windows machine, but I have heard so many conflicting
> reports about vo and the mac in general that I thought I would get to
> the bottom of it all by coming to the people who use it on a daily
> basis.
> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> mehg...@gmail.com; http://www.facebook.com/mehgcap
> -- 
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