
If the disk for SL you have is an upgrade one, where is the original Tiger one?

You can boot a Mac holding down a series of different keys to get a different 
series of start up options.

holding down the C key, will on a Mini, iMac or MBP / MBA (with Super Drive) 
make the Mac start up, scan for a disk, and then boot from it.

start your Mac up holding down the C key, keep holding it after the Mac chime, 
don't let go until you hear your CD spin up, and even then, keep holding for 
another 5 seconds.

This option ensures you start up reading from the CD drive.

Holding down the Options or Alt key does the same, but this gives you a series 
of bootable options, assuming you have more than one boot source, so folk with 
a MBA with USB recovery disk need to use this method.

The eject CD key needs to be held down to get it to function, hold it down for 
about 3 seconds to produce the operation.

If you get your original recovery disk, I'm assuming in your case now to be a 
Tiger disk, you can launch it using the C key method above, then once the disk 
spinning finishes, wait about a minute, then press the command F5 key stroke to 
start Voice Over, you should hear the CD drive spin up again for about 10 
seconds, followed by Voice Over starting up.

You can then press VO-MM and arrow right to the Utilities Menu, and down to 
disk utility, in here be sure to format your existing drive, shout if you need 
help with that.

once done, command q to exit disk utility, and now follow the on screen prompts 
to reinstall Tiger.



Neil Barnfather

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On 16 Sep 2011, at 12:39, Donna Goodin wrote:

Hi all,

OK, since I seem to be out of options here, I don't know what to do except take 
the MBP into the Apple Store and have them reinstall the OS.  But I don't want 
to travel with a DVD in the drive.  Is there a manual eject button anywhere on 
this thing?

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