Hi Neil,

thanks for taking the time to write out such a detailed response.  I got it all 
taken care of, fortunately. 

On Sep 21, 2011, at 11:13 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

> Donna,
> If the disk for SL you have is an upgrade one, where is the original Tiger 
> one?
> You can boot a Mac holding down a series of different keys to get a different 
> series of start up options.
> holding down the C key, will on a Mini, iMac or MBP / MBA (with Super Drive) 
> make the Mac start up, scan for a disk, and then boot from it.
> start your Mac up holding down the C key, keep holding it after the Mac 
> chime, don't let go until you hear your CD spin up, and even then, keep 
> holding for another 5 seconds.
> This option ensures you start up reading from the CD drive.
> Holding down the Options or Alt key does the same, but this gives you a 
> series of bootable options, assuming you have more than one boot source, so 
> folk with a MBA with USB recovery disk need to use this method.
> The eject CD key needs to be held down to get it to function, hold it down 
> for about 3 seconds to produce the operation.
> If you get your original recovery disk, I'm assuming in your case now to be a 
> Tiger disk, you can launch it using the C key method above, then once the 
> disk spinning finishes, wait about a minute, then press the command F5 key 
> stroke to start Voice Over, you should hear the CD drive spin up again for 
> about 10 seconds, followed by Voice Over starting up.
> You can then press VO-MM and arrow right to the Utilities Menu, and down to 
> disk utility, in here be sure to format your existing drive, shout if you 
> need help with that.
> once done, command q to exit disk utility, and now follow the on screen 
> prompts to reinstall Tiger.
> Regards,
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit www.talknav.com
> URL: - www.talknav.com
> e-mail: - serv...@talknav.com
> Phone: - +44  844 999 4199
> On 16 Sep 2011, at 12:39, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> OK, since I seem to be out of options here, I don't know what to do except 
> take the MBP into the Apple Store and have them reinstall the OS.  But I 
> don't want to travel with a DVD in the drive.  Is there a manual eject button 
> anywhere on this thing?
> thanks,
> Donna
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