That's great, I've also had good communications with Netflix support. Silverlite was a problem then as it seems to still be now though. That's why I stream through iTV and don't watch on the computer.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Søren Jensen" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 6:02 AM
Subject: Contacting the Netflix team regarding accessibility, I am so excited

Hi all.

I have just chatted with the Netflix team regarding better accessibility, and that was an awesome and really exciting experience. The chat works so amazingly well, so I have never seem anything like this before. perfectly accessible with VOiceover in Safari. The whole Netflix team is extremely friendly, and they do care about accessibility, and take my requests very seriously. I have requested accessibility when watching movies and tv shows on their website, because the Microsoft Silver light program is totally inaccessible. I requested better accessibility on Windows as well, and told them that I find their website very accessible with all screenreaders. I reported an issue with their Netflix app for iPhone, where I can't select a new movie. When I dubble tab on a new video, the previous video I saw just started to play. I told them how well Netflix works on the Apple tv, and that's the reason for I just have paied a new subscription. I requested audio descriptions as well, since I can't buy that here in Denmark, and BBC who have audio described movies in their online BBC player won't let me buy a sucscription, and they even blog all IP addresses outside the UK, so I have to do that in ileagle ways if I wanna get audio described movies and stuff.

The Netflix team told me that they take this accessibility request very serious, and they will do what they can do to make it all more accessible for everyone. They said that all accessibility requests from blind and visually impaired people are very welcome. So, guys, please, go to or whatever the Netflix address is in your country, and let the team know that we are here, and we want better accessibility in Netflix, and audio description as well. Netflix is as far as I know, the biggest online movie streaming service in the world, which offers their service in most countries in the world. The best and most exciting thing is that they are so friendly and take the accessibility requests so seriously. So please, take your time to let our voices heard if you want better accessibility. Damn I can't keep my arms down. :) I am so excited for next year and to see what they can come up with.
I hope to hear about your experiences regarding to contacting the team.
Have an awesome day.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
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