Hey all, thanks so much for all the great info. Nic, sounds like we
both think alike as I started looking into the mac air for exactly
what you are using it for. I am fortunate though as I have the same
bluetooth keyboard for my Imac that comes with the mac air, so it will
be virtually the same experience. I ran into a problem last year when
I was traveling thinking I could use only the Iphone 4s and Ipad first
gen for business. Of course this was before fleksy, and I had bought a
bluetooth keyboard, but the problem was the keys were a few
millimeters smaller than the keyboard I am used to, so being an expert
typist, I kept being a little off. Also I did miss the speed at which
I am used to doing things on my iMac, as I am a little slower doing it
on an iPhone. I have never done a keyboard remap, but have read about
it, and will have to look into it further, as I never use the caps
lock key, so remapping might actually make a lot of sense as it would
definitely be nice to have VO keys on the right side of the keyboard.
Thanks again all.

On Jan 9, 8:49 am, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I have been a long time Imac user and need to get a laptop for travel.
> I love voiceover on the Imac most of the time, and wanted to see if
> anyone had experience using voiceover both on an Imac and mac air, and
> if there was any notable difference or anything I need to be aware of?
> I looked at it in the Apple store, but you can't really hear anything
> in there. I don't need any kind of power computing, just be using the
> Mac Air 13 for browsing, email, news rack, twitter, itunes match,
> cloud computing, pages and numbers mostly so not having a big hard
> drive shouldn't be a problem. Thinking about bumping up the RAM to 8GB
> instead of the 4 it comes with, and will probably get a thumb drive
> for anything big I might need. I am not interested in the Ipad as I
> hate typing on it, and do like a full keyboard and the option
> voiceover on the Imac gives me. Thanks

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