Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller wrote:
On Mon, 2005-07-11 at 08:46 +1000, Lorn Potter wrote:

On Wed, 6 Jul 2005 12:59 am, Florian Boor wrote:


Gustavo Barbieri wrote:

Wel... my idea was to wipe out any gtk from it ;)

Fine idea! ;)

I realize that Trolltech probably worries quite a bit about gtk also
becoming a competitor in the embedded market through this, but it is a
little over the top disgusting when a Trolltech employee such as
yourself start spamming the list with your advocacy and jibes.

Actually, Trolltech does not worry about it very much at all, we don't really see free software as competition. If we did, we wouldn't give our source code away.

We just think there is a better solution already out there, that requires much less work to deploy, and find it curious.

Why don't you go back to actually managing your own community instead of
spamming this one?

Not only am I an employee of Trolltech, I am also a member of the linux embedded community for nearly 4 years, and a member of the Opie core developers as well.

A community is just that - a community. It includes very many differing opinions. If you want to split this up into 'hoods you can.

Last I checked, membership in this community was open to anyone with an interest, and there were no restrictions placed on members employers. Please point me to the document where it states being an employee of Trolltech disallows me to be a member in this community, and I will not contribute further.

Further more, I am entitled to my opinion, just as you are. I am also entitled to defend jibes against my employer and it's products (which I have seen more than once on this list, which is fine - critisism is healthy), just as you are.

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Trolltech Qtopia Community Manager #qtopia
maemo-developers mailing list

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