At 01:36 PM 7/25/2005, you wrote:
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Shawn Gordon wrote:
> At 11:12 AM 7/25/2005, you wrote:
> Shawn Gordon wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Seems that everyone I knew at Nokia from the "Media Terminal" days is
>> gone, and we'd like to talk to them about porting our library of
>> applications to the 770 ( - given that we
>> use Qt/e-Qtopia, I've been watching the discussion on that topic with
>> interest - has anyone tried taking a Qtopia app and getting it to
> run by
>> just including the Qtopia libs required for it?  Aside from that, a
>> contact at Nokia would be really appreciate, I've seen some names
> around
>> but no email addresses.  Feel free to reply privately if needed.
> Thanks.
> Do you mean rebuilding qtopia to use QT/x11, or bypassing X and using
> QT/e or (*gasp*) qvfb on X?
>> Qt/e has its own framebuffer and doesn't use X, which is part of the
>> appeal for it on embedded devices, I think the footprint is about 3mb
>> (Lorn, correct me if I'm wrong) - for my purposes I don't care about X,
>> I'm just trying to figure out if we can kind of carry our own
>> environment along and have it work and look reasonable within the
>> existing framework, I'm sure someone will port Opie to the device at
>> some point and try using our applications on it, and some of them might
>> even work like that.  Our applications are typically well partitioned
>> between the presentation and application layer, so a port isn't terribly
>> hard, but anything to make the process quicker is a good thing from our
>> perspective.

<disclaimer: this is my opinion, and I am not employed by nokia, movial,
kernel concepts or any other company.>

Koen, seriously, have a tall cool drink of water - you are way off base on what you are accusing me of doing. I've got no idea what Qt/e propoganda you are referring to, my company has been happily making and selling applications for the Sharp Zaurus since before it was officially released, coming on 4 years now, with over 30 products. I'm not here espousing it to be better or worse than anything else, we are very aware of what it can and cannot do, but that is not at all the point of the discussion that *I* am trying to have. You are being rude as hell with your "This does that DEAL WITH IT" type comments, they are uncalled for and out of line. Try reading what I actually wrote.

I have to say that this is the nastiest developer mail list I have ever joined, I can't imagine that this kind of interaction with developers is going to do much to get people developing (no offense to the several kind people who emailed me publically and privately). I don't know anything about any wars you might have had on this topic, and it is rude and nasty of you to jump down my throat as if I was involved with your personal issues on this topic.

Yes, I know all about the QT/e (and the propaganda coupled with it), but
the 770 (device) and maemo (X11/GTK platform) use X, so there is no way
you can 'look reasonable within the existing framework' if you want to
use QT/e painting directly to the framebuffer. To make it abundantly
clear: the 770 is a *device* which you can do with what you want, but
maemo is a platform that relies on X and to a lesser extent on GTK. The
previous QT (be it X11 or /e) discussion ended with the note people
should stop trolling about QT/e and it's suppossedly superiority and
start working on making QT work with hildon and osso. Maemo uses X and
GTK, if that offends you or doesn't fit in to your current development
platform, don't bother this list. Maemo uses X, deal with it. All these
'Yes, but qt/e is better' threads start to annoy and aren't
constructive. Maemo uses X, curse all you want, but that's the truth.
Don't like it? Produce something better and tell us the results, just
don't start this pre-emptive whining about QT/e.
I guess I should now better and stop feeding the trolls (haha, trolltech
toolkits and trolls), but I think it's time to post a big note to and stating: "Not interested in QT/e, piss off".
QT is well designed and allows you to build qtopia with X support, no
problem there. Maemo is a platform, not a device, so pimping opie (a
nice platform, which is going to switch to QT4/x11, btw) or QT/e annoys
the crap out of me and judging from the reactions on IRC, a lot of other
people. Maemo uses X, deal with it. Feel free to install what you want
on your *device*, but stop bothering us with FUD about X being
inappriate on embedded devices.
To make it very clear: QT is nice, a hildonized QT would be a neat thing
to have, hildonized KDE apps aren't evil, but maemo is primarely a
X11/GTK platform. Whining about QT/e in the platform (not even the
device!) list is just childish and promotes prejudices about 'the other
side of the fence'.
Either be constructive and start working on proper integration with
hildon and osso, or continue your effort on a more appropriate
mailinglist (qt-interest or something). This is a maemo list, not a
nokia 770 list. Maemo uses X and is a platform.
I appreciate all the work TT and TK do on qtopia, and their apps are
very nice, nothing against that, but don't go bullying on maemo for
being different. I personally carry a deep resentment against QT/e (not
QT, not qtopia), but that doesn't stop me from working and having fun
with the Opie people, it just puts me in a foul mood when I read stuff
like this. Choice is good, so don't stuff qt/e down our throats.

still with regards,

Koen Kooi

> regards,
> Koen
>> Best Regards,
>> Shawn Gordon
>> President
>> 949-713-3276
>> _______________________________________________
>> maemo-developers mailing list

> Regards,

> Shawn Gordon
> President
> 949-713-3276

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Shawn Gordon

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