Kate, your initial work looks very promising, but I'm curious why you're doing a port of Qt itself instead of Qt/e, which is significantly smaller (less features of course)? Lorn mentioned qt/e4, I don't know what the state of that is currently, but if that's what get's running in Maemo then we might as well port the UI to Hildon since porting to qt/e4 is probably going to be just about the same effort and we'd rather be native.

Basically there is a huge library of free applications and our commercial applications that run on qt/e2 that ships with all the Zaurus's (Zaurii) so any effort to get some emulation working would be most effective if it targeted the platform that is currently in the largest deployment. I'm apparently jumping in to this whole topic late, so I don't know what has been discussed before, but I think we're the only hardcore commercial developers of qtopia applications around, so we have some specific ideas in this regard.


At 05:15 AM 7/26/2005, Kate Alhola wrote:
ext Eero Tamminen wrote:

On Maemo platform I regard Qt a bit like libSDL as I think both of them
to have similar problems:
- User interface looks different (different colors, pixmaps, font family
 & size and they don't change when device theme is changed)
- User interface works differently (no special widgets for touchscreen
 usage, uses menubar to open menus instead of a titlebar)
- Do not integrate with the input method (in Maemo this is integrated
 with the individual widget usage so that input method comes up
 automatically only when needed and goes away when not needed)
- Naively takes pointer/keyboard grabs "unnecessarily" and/or doesn't
 release them when required (in some rare cases could end up locking the UI)
- User cannot switch to SDL application through Task Navigator
 (should be easiest to fix)

I.e. there would be quite a lot work to integrate Qt library properly
to the Maemo platform in addition to it taking a lot of additional
memory as Qt libraries wouldn't be shared with the other application

Also the Qtopia emulation layer would be usefull for porting Qt/Qtopia applications.

There is work to do but it looks a like that there is lot of interest to have possibility
to port QT / Qtopia applications and so there is good reason to do this work.
I think that it is much more usefull to do this port as open source project and produce shared library that can be used multiple applications instead that every app developper
will make their own port and spend lot of memory with statically linking.

I just checked size of native arm libqt-mt.so.3.3.4 and it was 10917826 bytes ( 10Mbyte !! )
It is large and may be that many Qt applications need to be in RS-MMC card but
still if some application is written with Qt, there is only two choices, run it even it uses lot of memory and has some diferencies in look and feel or then not run it all.

Of cource the major things with Maemo intergration should be resolved like this input methods and pointer/keyboard issues that you mentioned. Also look and feel compatilble themes
would be nice thing to have.

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Shawn Gordon

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