
> what legal issue ??
yes..this is interesting question...i found this

Ogg Vorbis is the first Ogg audio CODEC. Anyone may freely use and
distribute the Ogg and Vorbis specification, whether in a private, public
or corporate capacity. However, the Xiph.org Foundation and the Ogg
project (xiph.org) reserve the right to set the Ogg Vorbis specification
and certify specification compliance.

Xiph.org's Vorbis software CODEC implementation is distributed under a
BSD-like license. This does not restrict third parties from distributing
independent implementations of Vorbis software under other licenses.

Ogg, Vorbis, Xiph.org Foundation and their logos are trademarks (tm) of
the Xiph.org Foundation.

maybe a separate implementation of the .ogg for the 770 released under a
GNU/creative commons licence could work?

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