2005/10/27, Matthew Allum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hey;
>  Though internally cairo is mostly fixed point, its api is floating point -
> the 770 ( like most ARM devices ) lacks an FPU and thus any FP operations (
> especially with hardfloat ) are slooooowww and really should be avoided.

Yes, I'm painfully aware of that ;)

Although I was also under the impression that cairo would be utilizing
floats heavily on the inside, which does not seem to be all true.

>  Also as yet cairo isn't heavily optimised and without any kind of supported
> h/w acceleration cairo operations can be very cpu intensive especially on a
> relatively large display.

Yeah, to be honest, I expected cairo to perform even worse than it
actually does.

Kalle Vahlman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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