On 12/14/05, Ralph Giles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I haven't packaged it up yet, but will post packages as soon as I get a
> chance to do so. In the meantime it does build and work out of the box
> if you want to build your own copy.

   Very good news... I tried to make the evince package including gs
and fonts, and the main problem i found was to find a way to register
the fonts automatically (which can not be done with app installer
current version).

> Ghostscript itself is designed to run on devices smaller than the 770,
> so I wouldn't say it's too heavy. However the current footprint is
> quite large (around 8 MB with all the fonts and library files). A lot
> can be done to reduce that, of course, which is what I want to work on
> first, as well as a better front end.

   As soon as you get the package done, i can compile evince with the
PS backend, and it may be the better front end you're looking for.

>  -r

   Best Regards, Eduardo (etrunko).

Eduardo de Barros Lima
INdT - Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia
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