On Thu, Dec 29, 2005 at 06:20:30PM +0800, Edlinoor Syahril Ramlan wrote:
> I am running Xephyr from outside Sbox.  Sbox is locate at /scratchbox so I 
> put start-xephyr.sh outside Sbox that is in the / directory so when I try 
> to execute the file I'm using ./start-xephyr.sh and with the existing user 
> in the machine.

existing user = the same one with which you logged onto your desktop?

> So do I still need to do anything with the .Xauthority file?

Are you executing it from your normal desktop shell, or from inside
Scratchbox?  If latter, you need the .Xauthority file. If former,
you should be able to run Xephyr like you can run any other X program
(e.g. xterm).

        - Eero
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