On 3/30/06, Michele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,
So again, just my 2c:
the VKB has a HWR that really sucks. I tried many times to use it, but
ever switched back to the on-screen keyboard, because recognition simple
doesn't work well, and the capability to be trained is too little.

I found that too and narrowed the problem down to a few elements:
1) If you counter-intuitively give less time for character recognition (it is adjustable) it does a better job since it is trying to interpret whatever you write it its recognition period as on character. So reducing that time period give a better probability of that being true :]

2) There are some flaws in the build in character stroke tables. It would be nice if some of the built in tables could be edited. For instance, it seems the 99% of my troubles now (after doing 1) above) are centered around writing "i". It nearly always gets interpreted as a comma or a lower case "L". There is no way, looking at the built in strokes for the comma, that it should be misinterpretting that unless the HWR completely ignores the starting position (relative to the guidelines drawn on the screen) of the stroke. The "two part" characters are always tricky to deal with though.

Just some thoughts that might make it much more useful.
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