
thanks a lot for your detailed answer. The number 2 is my problem.
--set-rd-flag=no-lifeguard-reset gives me access via Desktop to my 770.
Now i can try to fix the problem with the xterm tool. Do you know a way
to install the old OS2005 (realease 13-7) on the 770. Your way no. 2
does not work. I will try to erase the flash memory to get a clean
installation. But till now i can not mount the device to get access to
the flash memory.

greetings Mathias

Am Donnerstag, den 22.06.2006, 13:33 +0300 schrieb Eero Tamminen:
> Hi,
> On Wed, Jun 21, 2006 at 07:17:59PM +0200, Ramon Navarro Bosch wrote:
> > I've removed battery, and now it doesn't reboot again. I doesn't have
> > contact button on the left sidebar. I've tried df and I have enought
> > space 50%. I'm not using swap. Can I debug this ?
> When the reboot happens?
> 1) before the bootup progressbar is shown,
>    -> most likely device HW watchdog reboots the device
>       because there was problem when mounting/writing to
>       the rootfs
> 2) while the bootup progressbar is advancing, or
>    -> most likely device SW watchdog reboots the device because
>       there's a problem with some critical system service
>       (could also be reason 1)
> 3) after Desktop has fully booted up
> ???
> If 1), you can:
> - use flasher to set device to boot from MMC.  There's -b flasher
>   option to set kernel command line args, and AFAIK MMC is the
>   device /dev/mmcblk0p1.  On the MMC you need /sbin/init (might
>   be script?) and environment that somehow allows you to type things.
>   Easiest to achieve latter would probably to have a "rescue fs"
>   that contains:
>   - busybox
>   - X server from the normal rootfs
>   - matchbox and xkbd/matchbox-keyboard
>   - xterm/rxtvt
>   - some debug tools (gdb, strace etc) so that you can debug
>     things after mounting the internal rootfs and chrooting
>     there
>   Would be nice if people on the list would get this together.
>   (I haven't tested this myself)
> If 2), you can:
> - Set following flasher flags:
>   --enable-rd-mode --set-rd-flags no-lifeguard-reset --enable-usb-host-mode
>   This:
>   - disables device SW watchdog so that it's not rebooted
>   - allows you to establish USB serial connection to the device.
>     People on the list might have URLs to docs on how to do this
> If 3), debugging should be "piece of cake" ;-)
> > I thing that must be
> > something with contact/email application because before reboot each time
> > contact information on main screen finished to be writen.
>       - Eero
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