
On Wed, Jun 21, 2006 at 07:17:59PM +0200, Ramon Navarro Bosch wrote:
> I've removed battery, and now it doesn't reboot again. I doesn't have
> contact button on the left sidebar. I've tried df and I have enought
> space 50%. I'm not using swap. Can I debug this ?

When the reboot happens?

1) before the bootup progressbar is shown,
   -> most likely device HW watchdog reboots the device
      because there was problem when mounting/writing to
      the rootfs
2) while the bootup progressbar is advancing, or
   -> most likely device SW watchdog reboots the device because
      there's a problem with some critical system service
      (could also be reason 1)
3) after Desktop has fully booted up

If 1), you can:
- use flasher to set device to boot from MMC.  There's -b flasher
  option to set kernel command line args, and AFAIK MMC is the
  device /dev/mmcblk0p1.  On the MMC you need /sbin/init (might
  be script?) and environment that somehow allows you to type things.
  Easiest to achieve latter would probably to have a "rescue fs"
  that contains:
  - busybox
  - X server from the normal rootfs
  - matchbox and xkbd/matchbox-keyboard
  - xterm/rxtvt
  - some debug tools (gdb, strace etc) so that you can debug
    things after mounting the internal rootfs and chrooting
  Would be nice if people on the list would get this together.
  (I haven't tested this myself)

If 2), you can:
- Set following flasher flags:
  --enable-rd-mode --set-rd-flags no-lifeguard-reset --enable-usb-host-mode
  - disables device SW watchdog so that it's not rebooted
  - allows you to establish USB serial connection to the device.
    People on the list might have URLs to docs on how to do this

If 3), debugging should be "piece of cake" ;-)

> I thing that must be
> something with contact/email application because before reboot each time
> contact information on main screen finished to be writen.

        - Eero

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