ext koos vriezen wrote:
2006/10/21, Carlos Guerreiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
ext Murray Cumming wrote:
> I'm not seeing any significant improvement to this situation, and
> Nokia's developers seem no less busy. So I'm still wasting time chasing
> incredibly minor patches.
> I still think a dedicated empowered community liason would fix this.
Murray, you have suggested this before and we have taken notice. At some
that would most probably improve things and it might very well happen.
However, at
this point our difficulties mainly stem from internal development
processes that are
not well good at enabling community platform development.

I don't fully agree with this, Nokia isn't doing so bad IMO. First the
$99 campaign was a smart move to start up a community. The maemo.org
and garage are great infrastructures for developers. Scratchbox simply
rocks IMHO. And @nokia.com is often one of the answering ones on this
Certainly. All of this is great infrastructure for _application_ developers. That's the original focus of Maemo, to provide a good platform for _application_
development on the 770.

My understanding of Murray's frustration is that it is mainly about the difficulty of doing _platform_ development, meaning contributing to Maemo itself, not simply
building  on top of Maemo.
It is hardly surprising that community platform development has been so difficult given that was not originally a goal for Maemo. Sure, the platform is open, the source code is available and we've tried to enable tinkering with it as much as possible since having an open platform helps and encourages application development and hey, contributions to the
platform wouldn't hurt.
But we (Nokia) didn't prepare ourselves or Maemo for developing Maemo itself openly with the community, In terms of infrastructure, processes and even mindset. That's why Murray
and others find it so hard to contribute.

Recently we have selected the HAF as the playground for experimenting with community platform development. Why the HAF? Mostly because it contains many of the open-source components originated by Nokia (e.g.: maemo-af-desktop). Those are the ones that would benefit the most from attracting a community of developers. So it's the HAF software and the HAF
team that are the primary focus of process and infrastructure adjustments.

May I humbly suggest that not only the haf is important, but also the
community applications may need some more attention. New releases from
Nokia almost looks like calling processEvents() on the community, apps
update/improve suddenly faster. Someone that pushes the community
other ways may do this also.

That's true, point taken.


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