Michael Wiktowy wrote:

That is also something that could be said for the flashing through the
USB method too. If that is interrupted then you are likely equally
unable to boot your 770. However, you can always try again ...

There is big difference. You don't need the device to be bootable for USB flashing. You need it to be bootable for this new method for flashing from itself. So why to invest time (being Nokia) to develop second way of flashing if it cannot replace first one and is not failproof at all?

Having said that, everything except bootloader and config partition_can_ be reflashed from the device (see my kernel and initfs flasher http://fanoush.webpark.cz/maemo/ ) and rootfs could be easily reflashed while booted from MMC as well.

What might really complicate this a great deal is if the N770 kernel
uses those "run in place" features I recall reading about that was
introduced for embedded systems that causes the kernel to just run
apps directly from flash memory rather than copying them to RAM and
then running from there. Writing directly to a program space that you
are currently running is the road to nastiness.

Well it is not so bad due to way NAND works but in fact initfs is in similar situation. dsme daemon runs from initfs partition and cannot be stopped easily so it is not completely clean to reflash initfs while it is running. It seems to work but is a kind of hack. Kernel is OK it is decompressed to RAM on boot.

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