On 11/30/06, Carlos Guerreiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
ext Andrew Flegg wrote:

> How far off is Bora? If it's next week, there's little point in
> continuing to port existing applications; if it's 6 months, then I'll
> carry on :-)

Something in between. Unfortunately I cannot reveal the target date for

OK, how about if existing Maemo end-user devices will be able to run
Maemo 3.0-based OSes? i.e. will us as developers moving to Maemo 3.0
cut off our existing user base?

I don't expect this to be answerable, but when a Maemo 3.0-based OS is
released by Nokia for its internet tablets, will it be a free upgrade
to existing 770 users? If not, even if a Bora-based end-user image
works on the 770, we may have to take into account takeup.

Thanks for anything you're able to share.



Andrew Flegg -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  http://www.bleb.org/
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