"ext Urho Konttori" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Could this be part of the .install file?
> One debian for 770 and one for N800.

Yes, a .install file can specify individual repositories for different
IT OS releases.  It could look like this (untested):

    repo_name  = maemo Extras
    repo_deb   = deb http://repository.maemo.org/extras mistral free non-free
    repo_deb_3 = deb http://repository.maemo.org/extras bora free non-free
    package    = foo

When IT OS 2006 handles this file (which is officially unsupported but
it still works OK enough), it will use the repo_deb line.  IT OS 2007
will use the repo_deb_3 line.

> Also, there could be a note if no version is suitable for your device.

If you omit the needed line, IT OS 2006 will silently do nothing, but
IT OS 2007 will give you a "Incompatible" error message.
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